Self Defence Wokrshop
Open to all members, family and friends, young and old, beginning and advanced, Sempai Aaron Manwaring will be running a 60 minute...

Students Shave For A Cause
Three Cobra students shave their hair to raise funds for the Cancer Council of WA. Together they raised over $500. Congratulations...

Eskrima & Knife Workshop
Maestro Scott Thackrah is running a Filipino stick & knife workshop this Saturday 17th August. It will be an excellent co-ordination and...

Sparing Skills Workshop
Cobra Beechboro will be holding a Sparing Skills Workshop this tuesday the 11th June. If you have been wanting to improve your...

BJJ & MMA Double Workshop
Sensei David Wilkes is running a double workshop in BJJ and MMA for members on the 19th May. See attached picture for details #bjj #mma...
Martial Arts for the New year
Cobra has re started for the year. It is good to see so many old faces, and some new ones too. If you have been thinking about starting a...
Martial Arts for Kids
Very happy to see the new Junior Martial Art class running smoothly every Tuesday & Thursday nights! There are still openings available...

First Board Break - Martial Arts Demo
I was happy to see our first Martial Arts board-breaking demo done by current red belt William. Board breaking has been re-introduced to...

Sparing Skills Workshop
Sensei Craig Monie will be conducting a sparing skills workshop this weekend - see flyer for info!

Bully Workshop
Cobra is hosting a bully workshop this 24th July. All young people are requested to attend this very important discussion. See flyer for...